Smart cleaning by sharing streaming data

Smart cleaning by sharing streaming data

This use case was initiated in collaboration with the Data Sharing Coalition, one of the founding partners of the CoE-DSC.

Together with FacilityApps and AMdEX, the Data Sharing Coalition is developing a use case in which building sensor data will be shared with facility management and cleaning parties to develop ‘demand-based’ cleaning services. In this use case, multiple (real-time) data sources need to be connected. The data that is being shared concerns for example soap dispenser usage and room occupancy. Increased efficiencies in facility services are especially valuable in large buildings or areas such as airports and can help in the fight against pandemics, such as COVID 19.

The data sharing context of this use case is characterised by continuous data streaming and differing views on who is entitled to control the data. Therefore, it is essential that the data sharing infrastructure within this use case ensures a continuous flow of data and that all relevant stakeholders should come to a common understanding on who is entitled to be in control over which data.

Through frequent workshops, FacilityApps, AMdEX and the Data Sharing Coalition created a generic use case design that is scalable to a broad range of applications of sensor data. We achieved this by mapping the generic use case requirements (e.g. scalable standards, rules and agreements) and mapping fulfilment of requirements. In addition, we discussed and clarified the business model of this use case. Currently, AMdEX is marketing the proposition and is in conversation with several administrators of large properties to investigate the possibility of launching a live pilot of this use case.

Findings of this use case

Do you want to learn more about the use case design, insights on the context of the use case and insights on how the use case can be implemented in a scalable way to other use cases with similar roles? Please download our report which includes our most important findings so far.

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